Thread subject: :: Any ideas on this one ?

Posted by LordV on 25-07-2006 17:46

Fly with a very long proboscis but doesn't look to me like a dancefly. Taken today South Coast UK body about 7mm long.
Brian V.

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 25-07-2006 18:35

Hello Brian,
Please compare with http://www.dipter...ad_id=2398

Edited by Dmitry Gavryushin on 25-07-2006 18:36

Posted by LordV on 26-07-2006 07:59

Thanks Black,
does look similar :)
Brian V.

Posted by ChrisR on 26-07-2006 10:27

noooooooooooo, no, no, no, no :o Sorry, not Prosena siberita this time. This fly a tachinid but it is much smaller, no plumose arista and the proboscis is hinged - not straight. This looks like Siphona geniculata (or one of the other Siphona species - but they are very hard to split even with a specimen) :D

Posted by LordV on 26-07-2006 12:26

Thanks Chris but just to show my complete ignorance what is/are plumose arista ? ;)
Name seems very appropriate .
Brian V.

Posted by crex on 26-07-2006 12:41

LordV wrote:
... what is/are plumose arista ?

Arista in the glossary ... and I think plumose is feather-like.

Edited by crex on 26-07-2006 12:45

Posted by ChrisR on 26-07-2006 12:54

crex is right ... the arista is a hair-like structure that points forward and down, emerging from the top of the 3rd antennal segment (usually the biggest bit). Plumose means 'plume or feather shaped'. Prosena has a very plumose arista, which is quite an unusual characteristic in the tachinids but Siphona have bare aristas. But the giveaway really is that Prosena has a long, rigid proboscis and Siphona has a proboscis bent into 3 clear sections :)

Posted by LordV on 26-07-2006 14:01

Thanks again :)- gradually learning ;)
Brian V.