Thread subject: :: Diastatidae ?

Posted by JariF on 26-11-2009 18:23


who do we have here ? Some kind of Diastatidae maybe ? This very beautiful fly was in my malaise September 15. 2009 in Helsinki Finland.


Posted by KWQ on 26-11-2009 18:33

If this belongs to Diastatidae, couldn't it be Diastata costata, the slightly darkened costal region of the wing would suggest so?

Posted by JariF on 26-11-2009 18:52

Yes, possible. When I use my old Lindner (key by Duda) it keys out as fuscula. The book says, that costata is synonym of fuscula but but .... In our list of species we have both costata and fuscula :o


Edited by JariF on 26-11-2009 18:53

Posted by KWQ on 26-11-2009 19:24

Lindner is out(dated) again, try Chandler's revision in Ent. Scand 18 (1987).