Thread subject: :: small black flies

Posted by Petr Michael on 24-11-2009 18:27

This society was close to the rotting decomposing fish at the bank of sewage pond. Together with some Graphomyia and phorids there were the small black flies - of what family and genus?
Help me! 24th of August, Czechia.

Posted by Jaakko on 25-11-2009 11:34

These look quite similar to the S. nigripes in your second photo.

Posted by Petr Michael on 25-11-2009 12:38

Dear colleague Jaakko,
thank you very much for having a look at the small flies. In this case, however, I cannnot
agree: there are differences in C et Sc, antennae color, frons width etc. I inclose the new
photo of Stearibia n. in order to elucidate it.

Posted by Petr Michael on 25-11-2009 12:52

Petr Michael wrote:
Dear colleague Jaakko,
thank you very much for having a look at the small flies. In this case, however, I cannnot
agree: there are differences in R1 et Sc, antennae color, frons width etc. I inclose the new
photo of Stearibia n. in order to elucidate it.

Posted by Jaakko on 25-11-2009 16:54

You're absolutely right...

I'm not really an expert on these guys, but besides S. nigripes I have similar looking Sepsiidae, Nemopoda nitidula collected from the same substrate. So I would go for Sepsiidae, however I'm sure there are other options for the species.

Edited by Jaakko on 25-11-2009 16:55

Posted by Petr Michael on 25-11-2009 17:49

I am very grateful for that you show me the right way!! As for those flies they are Sepsidae,
I suppose from the genus Themira. One has to learn for ever..... Once more, thanks!