Thread subject: :: tipula
Posted by NJG on 27-04-2005 21:58
I would have preferred identifying this species myself, but I think they would not have appreciated my disturbing them while they were so busy....
Anybody knows what species this is? Very spectacular animals even though the picture is not so good...
I found them near Oudenaarde, Belgium.

Edited by NJG on 27-04-2005 21:59
Posted by Paul Beuk on 28-04-2005 07:22
It is a species of
Ctenophora, a genus with wood inhabiting larvae. Provisionally I would put the name
C. flaveolata on it, though it may be another species. According to the key, the males of that species should have strongly thickened hind femora but that is not clear to me. It may be just the angle in which they are visible.
Posted by Arthropa on 28-04-2005 18:50
And are the hind femora of this one thick enough to say it is
C. flaveolata ?

Saint Apollinaire (Burgundy, France), April 2002.
(No information about length nor wingspan, sorry ! :|)
...and what about females, for identification ?...
Posted by Paul Beuk on 28-04-2005 19:11
Excellent, that is just what I meant. :D
Posted by NJG on 28-04-2005 19:48
Jep, mine does also vave the thickened femora.
Thanks for the help!
Edited by NJG on 28-04-2005 19:49
Posted by Arthropa on 28-04-2005 21:12
Paul Beuk wrote:
Excellent, that is just what I meant. :D
Thanks for your precious help with newbies ! ;)
Posted by Arthropa on 28-04-2005 21:25
...and I'm glad to introduce Miss
C. flaveolata :D : (That's what I think, at least ! ;))
Dijon (Burgundy, France), April 2004
EDIT 11.XI.2010 : Restoring broken links to images
Edited by Arthropa on 11-11-2010 13:49