Thread subject: :: Brazilian Tabanid (?)

Posted by Alvesgaspar on 17-11-2009 19:45

Found in Brasil, state of São Paulo, in the interior. Lokks like a Tabanid but I have no idea of the species.

(hope the image shows up this time)

Joaquim Gaspar

Posted by Alvesgaspar on 17-11-2009 19:47

Alvesgaspar wrote:
Found in Brasil, state of São Paulo, in the interior. Lokks like a Tabanid but I have no idea of the species.

(hope the image shows up this time)

Joaquim Gaspar

What's wrong with this forum? The image has a good type, size and name.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 17-11-2009 19:49

Nothing wrong with the forum. :P Send it to me by email and I'll see what the problem is.

Posted by Alvesgaspar on 17-11-2009 20:31

Thanks, Paul. Hope it will work now.

Posted by Alvesgaspar on 18-11-2009 14:23

Looks like Atylotus sp. but I may be wrong. Any ideas?

Posted by Keith Bayless on 19-11-2009 06:44

There aren't any described Atylotus in South America. My general impression is that it is Stenotabanus (Stenotabanus) sp., but without a closer shot of the wing base I can't rule Tabanus or a few other genera. There is no key to male Stenotabanus, unfortunately. Do you have any more photos of this or other Brazilian horse flies? I'd love to see them.

Posted by Alvesgaspar on 19-11-2009 16:32

Unfortunately I don't have any other shots. And returning to Brazil now... The one thing I can say is that the fly was eveywhere and there was no cattle around.

Joaquim Gaspar