Thread subject: :: Seven flies

Posted by fleabag on 23-07-2006 19:48


I found these little chaps and chap ette's yesterday,in a meadow,farm,wooded area of the West Sussex downs.

I'll have a go at recalling some sizes,

1. 11-12mm
2. 13 mm
3. 15mm
4. 11-13mm
5. 8-9mm
6. 14-15mm
7. 11-12mm

A few weeks ago,taking pictures of insects was just something for me to do one day when there were'nt many birds about.

Now im actively seeking them out ! and they've been added to the list of things that im looking for when out and about.

Taking pictures of things is a great way to learn i think.

As always,thankyou to anyone taking the time to look or help,it is really appreciated:)


Posted by fleabag on 23-07-2006 19:51

first one

Posted by fleabag on 23-07-2006 19:52

second one

Posted by fleabag on 23-07-2006 19:53

third pic

Posted by fleabag on 23-07-2006 19:54

fourth one

Posted by fleabag on 23-07-2006 19:56

fifth one

Posted by fleabag on 23-07-2006 19:57

number six

Posted by fleabag on 23-07-2006 20:06

and the seventh...

Im taking a walk into town to buy a few new insect books tomorrow i think...hopefully find a bargain,but from what i've seen you get what you pay for(so to speak).

I shouldnt keep doing this every time i find a new bunch of flies.


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 23-07-2006 20:34

Hi Fleabag
1. Tachinidae
2. Coremacera, Sciomyzidae
3, 6. Syrphidae
4. Chrisopilus, Rhagionidae
5. Anthomyiidae
7. Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae?

Posted by Xespok on 23-07-2006 21:14

Nikita Vikhrev wrote:
Hi Fleabag
1. Tachinidae
2. Coremacera, Sciomyzidae
3, 6. Syrphidae
4. Chrisopilus, Rhagionidae
5. Anthomyiidae
7. Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae?

3,6, Eristalis arbustorum?
5, My guess is Coenosini, Muscidae
7, Hymenoptera, but not Symphita. It is within Apoidea.

Edited by Xespok on 23-07-2006 21:15

Posted by ChrisR on 24-07-2006 00:07

1. Eriothrix rufomaculata - about the commonest tachinid in England right now - seen atop any flowers like ragwort, hogweed etc. Presumed parasitoids of Crambus moth larvae.
2. Coremacera cf. marginata - a snail-killing fly

Edited by ChrisR on 24-07-2006 00:08

Posted by Paul Beuk on 24-07-2006 09:29

And finally the request to put pictures that are obviously of very different species in different threads. That increases the overview and makes it easier to refer to the pictures. :)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 24-07-2006 12:33

And I do insist that 5 is Anthomyiidae(?), but not Coenosia. Nikita