Thread subject: :: Which Tachinidae?

Posted by PeterD on 11-11-2009 07:53

Could someone help me with this ID please?

Thank you

Posted by ChrisR on 11-11-2009 10:46

Looks like a Siphona sp. (Tachinidae) but would probably be impossible to say more :)

Edited by ChrisR on 11-11-2009 10:46

Posted by PeterD on 11-11-2009 13:50

I have found another couple of images of this fly if it will help

Posted by Stephen R on 11-11-2009 14:50

That's a good shot of the hinged proboscis:) No doubt about Siphona!


Posted by ChrisR on 11-11-2009 17:46

Yes, it's definitely Siphona but this genus is very difficult to identify to species even when you have a specimen and a microscope. A lot of the keying features are very variable and complicated. Theo has sometimes been coaxed into giving a tentative ID but I wouldn't blame him for staying silent. :)

S.geniculata has marginals on the T1+2 tergite (as is visible in the last photo) and is one of the commonest species, followed by S.cristata, which also sometimes has those bristles ... and then there is S.setosa, which is rarer but also has T1+2 marginals ;)

Posted by PeterD on 11-11-2009 18:42

Thank you all for your replies. I think I shall settle for T. Siphona sp. It's long gone so no second chances:|:)