Thread subject: :: Thephritid

Posted by Juergen Peters on 22-07-2006 23:26


These pics were taken on July-16 on a Mahonia bush at our house in Ostwestfalen/Germay. I have taken a look at the gallery of this forum, but can't get an identification, yet. Lerngth about 5 mm. Thanks for help!

Edited by Juergen Peters on 22-07-2006 23:27

Posted by Kahis on 23-07-2006 09:30

Trypeta immaculata? I'm interested to see what the specialist opinion will be as I have recently collected a number of flies belonging to this genus and nearby Stemonocera. They are not that easy to identify, especially the females (and that's what one usually finds) are tricky.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 24-07-2006 04:45

Hello, Kahis!

Kahis wrote:
Trypeta immaculata? I'm interested to see what the specialist opinion will be as I have recently collected a number of flies belonging to this genus and nearby Stemonocera. They are not that easy to identify, especially the females (and that's what one usually finds) are tricky.

Thanks, Kahis! I am mostly fascinated by the wonderful wing markings of this family ;-).

Posted by Jan Willem on 24-07-2006 08:49


My guess would have been Rhagoletis meigenii but I'm certainly not a specialist.

Jan Willem

Posted by John Smit on 24-07-2006 22:23

Hi Juergen,

This is indeed Rhagoletis meigenii, like Jan-Willem says.
The genus Rhagoletis can be destinguished by the longer setae at the top of the third femur, apico-ventrally.
I'll look up the differences between the other genera for you.
