Thread subject: :: Dasysurphus?

Posted by kurt on 07-11-2009 17:56

I suppose that this female has an abnormal pattern on abdomen. Only this picture.
Straight pattern on tergite 2 and very thin on tergite 3 and only at edge in tergite 4.

If I remeber it was about 9-10mm. What genus is it?

Photo from Nattsjön, Ångermanland, Sweden 62.56N 17.36 E 13 june 2009

Thanks for your help in advance


Kurt Holmqvist

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 07-11-2009 21:43

Dasysyrphus venustus group

Posted by kurt on 08-11-2009 13:13

Thanks for your help Lukasz

I found another picture of same female but do not know if it will help to get a sure species ID.
Kurt Holmqvist