Thread subject: :: A fly looks like Tachina fera

Posted by lweit on 22-07-2006 21:04

Is that fly Tachina fera, photo taken in same place of Nowickia ferox in a precedent post


Posted by lweit on 22-07-2006 21:05

a second photo of this fly

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-07-2006 21:22

Hi Louis.
I don't think so. In genus Tachina 2-nd antennae segment has to be long and 3-d short.

Posted by ChrisR on 23-07-2006 10:29

I agree with Nikita - it's close but something isn't quite right about it for Tachina fera. Do you have any more photos of it from different angles, perhaps showing the face a bit clearer? Alternatively, if you can get a specimen I'll certainly have a look at that for you :)

Posted by lweit on 23-07-2006 11:00

Hello Chris
I've have only 2 other photos of this fly

Posted by lweit on 23-07-2006 11:04

The second photo
Another day I try to make better photo (it's difficult to take a photo of a fly on a long flower with a little wind and the fly is almost moving on the flower) or I try to catch this fly ??

Thank you

Posted by ChrisR on 23-07-2006 12:49

The 2nd new (actually 4th) photo is a different fly - a muscid :)

Posted by Zeegers on 30-07-2006 16:29

The Tachinid looks special, it does not ring a bell.
It is NOT Tachina, as correctly pointed out.
The wing venation suggests either Linnaemyia or Exorista.
Since the eyes are hairy, Linnaemyia is the best bet for the moment.

Has it been collected ?

Theo Zeegers