Thread subject: :: male Dolichopodidae: D. plumipes or D. wahlbergi?

Posted by raywilson on 28-10-2009 12:32

Is it possible to identify this to species from this photo? Unfortunately I didn't get a shot showing a dorsal view so my attempts to key it fell at the first hurdle. There are only 2 species in the gallery with similar leg plumes: Dolichopus plumipes and D. wahlbergi. Is it one of these? Or are there other species exhibiting this feature which are not yet in the gallery?
It was photographed in Cheshire, UK on pondside vegetation on 31st May.


Posted by raywilson on 28-10-2009 12:36

Another photo from the same location, but taken 45 minutes later. I assume it is the same species...

Posted by Paul Beuk on 28-10-2009 12:55

This is Dolichopus plumipes

Posted by raywilson on 28-10-2009 13:08


Posted by raywilson on 28-10-2009 13:15

Is this a female D. plumipes? It was on the same plant at the same time as the male above.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 28-10-2009 13:25

Visible characters agree with plumipes.