Thread subject: :: ID please

Posted by Brian Flint on 27-10-2009 22:06

This insect is about 2mm long.
Taken in my garden , Cambridgeshire , UK , October 2009


Posted by Paul Beuk on 27-10-2009 22:23

Spingtail (Collembola), strictly speaking not an insect but yet a hexapod.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 27-10-2009 22:32


Entomobrya cf. nivalis

(I think, there is still much discussion, whether Collembola should be placed in- or outside Insecta.)

Posted by Brian Flint on 27-10-2009 23:18

Thanks for the information

best regards

Brian Flint

Posted by pwalter on 28-10-2009 00:01

Collembola are widely regarded as an Order inside Entognatha, a class placed near to insects. Newer classifications regard Collembola a separate Class, placed near Insecta :)