Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae?

Posted by Juergen Peters on 21-07-2006 00:18


Another fly from the garden lantern yesterday (Ostwestfalen/Germany). About 10 mm long. Heleomyzidae?

Posted by Tony Irwin on 21-07-2006 00:24

Certainly looks like it. I'd say Suillia species.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 21-07-2006 00:54

Hello Tony,

thanks again! Your replies come faster than I can post my questions... :-)

Posted by Jan Willem on 21-07-2006 08:34

Hi J?rgen,

My guess (but it is nothing more than that) would be Suillia variegata, but let's wait on the opinion of Andrzej.

Jan Willem

Posted by Andrzej on 21-07-2006 15:57

The specimen look like Suillia affinis or tuberiperda species-group. Sorry that is all what I can say. The occipital hairs should be examined ! :(.
Maybe a male causing long haired fore femur !

Posted by Juergen Peters on 21-07-2006 18:39

Hello, Andrzej and Jan Willem!

Thanks for your replies! With this bad pic I didn't expect a species level identification. I will store it as Suillia sp..

Posted by Juergen Peters on 22-07-2006 23:02


Here another photo from yesterday night. Hopefully the same species (?)...