Thread subject: :: Simuliidae > Simulium sp. male

Posted by Stephen R on 25-10-2009 15:01

Can anything be said? 3.8mm, Oct 24 Lancashire UK.

Edited by Stephen R on 26-10-2009 12:05

Posted by Stephen R on 25-10-2009 15:02

Dodgy dorsal view:

Posted by Roger Thomason on 26-10-2009 10:35

Stephen R wrote:
Can anything be said? 3.8mm, Oct 24 Lancashire UK.

Hmm, being on my best behaviour I'd say it is a male Simulium sp. that had only had 17 views, (so I thought I better bring that total up a bit)

For much better photo's look in the Gallery :D.

PS; How did you arrive at a size of 3.8mm??? Looks more like 3.68mm to me :P


Posted by Stephen R on 26-10-2009 12:04

Hello Roger; thanks for your support for my lost cause! I had a feeling that 'can any thing be said?' would attract the foremost authority on this family ;). I'm very impressed by your restraint!

Of course I have admired your masterpieces in the Gallery, and I can only hope to aspire to such excellence.

For the size, I have photographed an engineers' scale at the closest focus point of the lens set-up I use (not a zoom), and I drag this over the image to measure the fly. Sorry if 3.8mm is a bit imprecise!
