Thread subject: :: Dasysyrphus ? august 09

Posted by brigitteu on 24-10-2009 20:50

Location: Switzerland, 948 müM, highmoor
date: 14.08.09
size: dont remember for sure

little bit other marks on abdomen . . . is it a Dasysyrphus and if yes, which one?

Thank you and regards, Brigitte

Edited by brigitteu on 24-10-2009 20:51

Posted by brigitteu on 24-10-2009 20:51


Posted by lagura on 24-10-2009 21:22

I think so. But which species I don't know.

Posted by Andre on 24-10-2009 22:45

This looks very much like Dasysyrphus friuliensis, another quite rare species!

Posted by brigitteu on 24-10-2009 22:52

Hi André :-)

it's location : highmoor

there are also a lot of butterflies, bugs, wasps etc. so I took the syrphidaes only as "by the way". Picture quality is amended since july until today and I will gave much more attention next year on this place and on syrphidaes there!

Thanks for ID!

Posted by Andre on 24-10-2009 22:56

Sounds like a superb spot for everything!

Posted by Andre on 24-10-2009 22:57

Well, not everything, I guess..... :P

Posted by brigitteu on 24-10-2009 23:06

it looks like that . . .