Thread subject: :: Eristalis sp.

Posted by blowave on 22-10-2009 16:30


I usually have 3 types of Eristalis; tenax, pertinax, arbustorum.

I had one on Ragwort on 25th July which is confusing, I got 3 not very good pics of it, but I also got another only 3 minutes before of what looks like E. arbustorum. This one looks to 'almost' have a spot in place of the pterostigma but it looks more like a short cross vein. The thorax hairs were very orange, and it's face was golden although that could have been pollen I did notice it as unusual as I haven't seen one so golden before.

Taken on the roadside in front of my house, a few miles south of Lincoln.

I'm posting the one I think to be E. arbustorum first as a comparison. Any ideas appreciated.

Janet :)

Posted by blowave on 22-10-2009 16:31

Second fly pic 1

Posted by blowave on 22-10-2009 16:32

Second fly pic 2

Posted by blowave on 22-10-2009 16:32

Second fly pic 3

Posted by Andre on 22-10-2009 21:28

Pic 1 = arbustorum
The other 3 are nemorum (= interrupta).

Posted by blowave on 22-10-2009 23:51

Aaah, thank you Andre, E. interrupta was the one I thought it was but I haven't as yet had a pic to show it, until now!:D