Thread subject: :: sick Calliphoridae from Quito/Ecuador (3 pics)

Posted by Rupert Huber on 19-10-2009 20:34

Hello to all!
As an exception here I'm quite sure that it is really a Calliphoridae. It was on our table in a Cafe and didn't really seem to be healthy (not flying, walking slow and with obvious difficulties in keeping balance, as if it was boozed:D)

It doesn't look so, but the fly on the third pic is really the same individual as on the two others. About 10mm

6.8.2009, Ecuador, Quito, about 2850m asl

Posted by Rupert Huber on 19-10-2009 20:34


Posted by Rupert Huber on 19-10-2009 20:35


Posted by uwe on 19-10-2009 20:42

thats indeed funny I see the tequila cocktails walk!