Thread subject: :: Empididae. Hybotidae, Hungary

Posted by Xespok on 18-07-2006 23:01

Is this a small species of Empididae?

Posted by Xespok on 18-07-2006 23:03

And the Hybotidae.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 19-07-2006 07:56

Top one: Empis, most likely this female belongs in Empis (Empis) but that will be very difficult to determine for certain.
Bottom one: Tachypeza cf. [/i]nubila[/i], female.

Posted by Xespok on 19-07-2006 13:24

A few more species from April May.

Another Empis sp?

I do not have a good image of this fly, but the enlarged femur might be distinctive.

Posted by Xespok on 19-07-2006 13:25

An Empis (Xanthempis) sp.

Posted by Xespok on 19-07-2006 13:26

Yet another Empis sp?

Posted by Xespok on 19-07-2006 13:27

And yet another one.

Posted by Xespok on 19-07-2006 13:30

Another Empis (Xanthempis) sp. Same as the previous?

Posted by Xespok on 19-07-2006 13:31

A smaller Empidid species.

Posted by Xespok on 19-07-2006 13:32

And another small Empis sp?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 19-07-2006 14:21

You make it difficult to match names with images if you put so many in a single thread.. :(

First new image (with inset): Empis (Pachymeria) femorata, male: Genitalia very characteristic.
Second new image: Empis (Xanthempis), female: few of the necessary details are visible and/or distinct.
Third new image: I think a female of Empis (Polyblepharis) opaca.
Fourth new image: I won't burn my fingers on that one as yet.
Fifth new image: Empis (Xanthempis) digramma, male: On the basis of the genitalia.
Sixth and seventh new image: Probably both males of Empis (Empis), but could be any of a number of species. Even here in NL with relatively few species like that I would not dare to put a name on.

Posted by Xespok on 20-07-2006 08:16

Thx Paul, somehow I am unlucky with Empididae, I can rarely take nice photos of them.