Thread subject: :: Volucella ?

Posted by brigitteu on 16-10-2009 22:46

Location: Switzerland, 430 müM, near small wetland and edge of a wood
Date: 05.08.09
Size: dont remember, big as a bumble-bee

I'm looking through my august pics and I found several "unknown" insects. I'm not sure, but this eyes belongs to fly? Or not? But Volucella bombylans or var plumata don't looks like this . . .

Could anybody please help me? Thank you!
Regards, Brigitte

Edited by brigitteu on 17-10-2009 12:22

Posted by Andre on 16-10-2009 23:07

Listen to the name: Arctophila bombiforme .... !

Edited by Andre on 16-10-2009 23:08

Posted by brigitteu on 16-10-2009 23:15

Thank you André! such a nice syrphidae :-)

Posted by Andre on 17-10-2009 09:49

You have such a great back-garden!