Thread subject: :: brown shuttlevlies are comming

Posted by uwe on 15-10-2009 21:51

Hi, thank to you I think I found more shuttels, maybe that picture is good enough for a genusname?
That's what I wish:D
seen yesterday
first thought was chloropidaeB)

Edited by uwe on 15-10-2009 21:53

Posted by Roger Thomason on 15-10-2009 22:19

Uwe...The name is SCUTTLEFLIES...anyway this looks more like Agromyzidae or Chloropidae

Edited by Roger Thomason on 15-10-2009 22:27

Posted by Paul Beuk on 15-10-2009 23:04


Posted by mcerny on 16-10-2009 07:45

Phytomyza or Chromatomyia Agromyzidae


Posted by uwe on 16-10-2009 19:32

Thank you al, indeed;) shuttleflies!
but I am happy with the right family!
Impressed to have 2 possible genera!!

Posted by Roger Thomason on 16-10-2009 20:09

Is the "C" Key broken on your computer Uwe? :D
sCuttleflies. :D
Shuttleflies are AFAIK the English translation of the Dutch pendvliegen (Helophilus) :P
Shuttlevlies only appears on your threads at, so congratulations, you've invented a new word B).

Roger.....bored, and no flies :|

Posted by Paul Beuk on 17-10-2009 08:48

Thin ice Roger, you are venturing on: pendelzweefvliegen...

Posted by uwe on 19-10-2009 13:49

:D, hi I just come out from under the stairs to tell, I never heard scuttle before, so I thought maybe a typo en believed that this fly sit on other flies to take off like space shuttle on aircraft!