Thread subject: :: Calyptrata, Hungary

Posted by Xespok on 18-07-2006 10:54

A Muscid fly, this will probably be difficult from this view only.

Posted by Xespok on 18-07-2006 10:55

Coenosini? Seems to be a predatory Calyptrate fly, do they also occur in other Calyptrate families?

Posted by Xespok on 18-07-2006 10:56

Rhinophoridae or Tachinidae?

Posted by Xespok on 18-07-2006 22:46

Looks similar to the fly shown in the previous posting.

Edited by Xespok on 18-07-2006 22:50

Posted by Xespok on 18-07-2006 22:51
