Thread subject: :: Chrysotoxum verrali or elegans?

Posted by Guillermo Booth Rea on 29-09-2009 13:14

Hi there,

Here you have some photos from Sierra Nevada, S Spain. Shot a t 2000 masl. End May.

Edited by Guillermo Booth Rea on 29-09-2009 13:16

Posted by Guillermo Booth Rea on 29-09-2009 13:17

another shot

Posted by Andre on 30-09-2009 00:01

I would say elegans, looking at the shape of the spots on tergite 2.

Posted by Guillermo Booth Rea on 30-09-2009 11:23

Thanks Andre,

I think so too. The thing is I have another specimen shot near by that was identified as C. verrali. I will post it here to see what you think.
