Thread subject: :: Tiny dolichopodid to ID

Posted by Rui Andrade on 24-09-2009 22:37

Today I learned that wings of microhymenopterans are not tasty, as you can see on the video. And the dolichopodid, what species is it?

location: Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
date: 24/09/2009

YouTube Video

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 25-09-2009 09:34

Chrysotimus sp,, female.

Posted by Rui Andrade on 25-09-2009 20:20

Thanks for the identification Igor;).

Posted by Andre on 25-09-2009 20:29

Rui. If you want, you can collect Dolichopodidae and send them to me. I can send them to a specialist. But do me one favour, don't send them together with other material, but separately and maybe once a year.
I can try to get them identified, but I cannot promise.

Posted by Andre on 25-09-2009 20:31

PS: how much is known about the feeding behaviour of Dolichopodidae? Interesting video!

Posted by Roger Thomason on 25-09-2009 20:55

Just a thought..(outside the box...or Padded Cell).We have lots of photos of flies blowing bubbles, can't remember any of Doli's among them...Maybe this is their way of cleaning their mouths...a bit like flossing, but using a fly's wings.....Yea stupid idea, or is it ?????


Recently released back into society....was it too soon?

Edited by Roger Thomason on 25-09-2009 21:00

Posted by phil withers on 25-09-2009 21:06

Not necessarily too soon, if still taking the tablets...

Posted by Roger Thomason on 25-09-2009 21:12

:D....Does it still show...only 12 more days of talking crap..and counting. :D


One day I will look back on these posts and the moment.......hmmm.

Posted by Rui Andrade on 26-09-2009 01:34

Andre wrote:
Rui. If you want, you can collect Dolichopodidae and send them to me. I can send them to a specialist. But do me one favour, don't send them together with other material, but separately and maybe once a year.
I can try to get them identified, but I cannot promise.

Thank you for your kind offer André, but there is no need because I already send dolichopodids to Patrick Grootaert.;)

Yea stupid idea, or is it ?????

Not stupid, but very funny:D

Posted by Marc Pollet on 08-10-2009 23:53


My guess would be Chrysotimus molliculus, the only Western European species with black antenna (C. flaviventris has a yellow scape and pedicel). It cannot be excluded that new species might occur in the Mediterranean bassin, but as this is not a xerophilous genus, this is not very likely. So I stick to my previous guess.


Posted by Rui Andrade on 10-10-2009 00:40

Thank you very much for your help Marc! I've collected some specimens.