Thread subject: :: male Cordilura rufimana?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 15-07-2006 18:37

Moscow region, 14 july, 5-6mm.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 25-07-2006 19:12

Hi Nikita
Looks like rufimana in all the characters I can see on the photo.
C. rufimana is described as having browner hind tibiae, but I have specimens in which all the legs are the same colour.
A female from the abdomen shape (the males tend to be broader towards the end, rather than the middle of the abdomen).
Remember I'm not familiar with any additional eastern European species you may have. Most Cordilura are best checked using the male genitalia. (except for females ;) )

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-07-2006 20:55

Thank you Tony.
In Gorodkov's key I came to two species distinguishing from male genitalia and my fly's genitalia looked like C. rufimana.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 13-04-2007 12:42

I can't see now why C.rufimana.
Tibias all yellow - it leads us to C.pubera/pudica. This two species distunguish by ventral black spots on tarsi segments. On this photo tarsi aren't visible. On the photo I've send to Gallery tarsi somewhat darkened even on dorsal surface as a result of spots on ventral surface. So, submitted image is better than this one, so Paul, please, cancel this one from waiting a Gallery.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 13-04-2007 13:06

I have two waiting, the one above and a female. You have no reason to suspect they are conspecific? And you cannot tell if it is pubera or pudica?

Edited by Paul Beuk on 14-04-2007 00:20