Posted by Gordon on 20-09-2009 14:45
A dozen or so of these were in my procom malaise trap (23 to 29 May 2007), lowland riverine forest in far northern Greece, at first I thought they were Clusiids, but closer examination revealed a forward pointing mid (of 3) fronto-orbital bristle and long hairs on the arista. The specimens are about 2 mm long.
Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 20-09-2009 15:12
I'd say male
Chymomyza caudatula (Drosophilidae), the experts will correct me if I'm wrong.
Posted by Gordon on 20-09-2009 16:08
Chymomyza caudatula is already on my list of Drosophilids from Jan Maca.
However talking of Clusiids, is there anybody out there who would like to check some of my determinations for me, particularly the female Clusiodes albimanus vs Clusiodes gentilis. Theoretically using Lonsdale and Marshall they should separate at the 2nd couplet, 2 fronto-orbitals vs 3, but I was just comparing three flies, two with 2 FOs and one with 3FOs and honestly there was nothing else different, I checked all sorts of things:(. I also looked for evidence that the 3rd (posterior) and usually smaller/finer bristle was simple removed, but I could find none. Surely they should not be so similar.:|