Thread subject: :: Chrysops. Sp. N4

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 14-07-2006 13:53

Moscow region, 14july, 9mm.
Certanly black leg, but not Ch. caecutiens.
Chrysops nigripes?

Posted by Tony Irwin on 14-07-2006 19:09

Wow! That's a handsome fly! B)
However, I think it is a dark caecutiens, not nigripes. Starting at the head -
The frontal callus and vertex are exactly as they should be in caecutiens. In nigripes the black area of the vertex is much smaller.
Thorax - nigripes has a broad central shining stripe as well, so the dusting is much reduced.
Wing - the apical spot is quite large, occupying 3 quarters of R4. In nigripes the spot is much smaller, with only the apical third of R4 darkened.
Abdomen - the yellow side patches are more like caecutiens (in nigripes they are smaller), but the central yellow patch is missing. Apparently the extent of yellow is variable in caecutiens, and some specimens can be all black (like sepulcralis).

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 14-07-2006 20:08

Thank you Tony.
"Wing - the apical spot is quite large, occupying 3 quarters of R4. In nigripes the spot is much smaller, with only the apical third of R4 darkened"
I did find this too, but didn't dare to think that nevertheless caecutiens!