Thread subject: :: strange Tabanus

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 13-07-2006 15:00

Moscow region, 13 july, 11-12mm.
Among a lot T. bromius/maculicornis around my warm car I collected this one. Not hairy grey body, all yellow antennae.
There are a few Tabanus with one eye strip.
May be it is T.unifasciatus?

Posted by Tony Irwin on 14-07-2006 00:27

Not unifasciatus - that has all black antennae. Quite a number of Tabanus have only one eye band, among them maculicornis. This specimen is a bit rubbed (that is why it has a polished subcallus, just above the antennae - in fresh specimens, that area is lightly dusted). The typical pattern of bare areas on the frons is also obscured by the rubbing. Compare it to your other maculicornis - I think you will find it is the same species.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 14-07-2006 13:23

Thank you Tony.
Good illustration of case in which difficult to go forward without Expert's help.

Posted by Robert Nash on 14-07-2006 16:15

Expert indeed:p:p. Old, worn out and damaged flies are a tough call. People too. Sometime's I don't recognize what I see in the mirror. Robert

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 14-07-2006 18:23

Robert, it is not polite to write "old" about female.
Neither she was damaged.
Unusualy bold? Yes. But may be it is "a la mode chez Tabanidae", how knows?

Edited by Nikita Vikhrev on 14-07-2006 18:26