Thread subject: :: [Cylindromyia intermedia male] - Tachinidae ?

Posted by Christine Devillers on 04-09-2009 23:30

Could it be a male of Cylindromyia intermedia ?
It seems to have the same features than the female I've see at that place http://www.dipter...ost_109410 ,and the 2 nd antennal segment seems to be yellowish.

Edited by Christine Devillers on 13-09-2009 16:33

Posted by Christine Devillers on 04-09-2009 23:33

pic 2

Posted by Christine Devillers on 04-09-2009 23:33

pic 3

Posted by Zeegers on 05-09-2009 16:06

The yellowish third antennal segment is rather characteristic for intermedia, as its length (longer than in most other species).

So I agree.

Very interesting you have this in Belgium, we in NL have only 1 record.

Was in north / south Belgium ?


Posted by Christine Devillers on 05-09-2009 22:54

Thanks Theo, it was in East Belgium :) Aywaille (near Liège).