Thread subject: :: Fly..

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 12-07-2006 20:41

A friend of mine took this stunning photo in Leiria - PORTUGAL on 10th JUly 2006.

ID please..

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 12-07-2006 21:46

Again, never seen such Tabanidae, but as far as I red it, may be it is Silvius vituli?

Posted by Tony Irwin on 13-07-2006 00:09

The very long proboscis of this male tabanid is typical of Pangonius. The majority of European species of this genus occur in Spain, and are likely to be found in Portugal as well. Although other genera of Pangoniinae are known to suck blood (females only, of course), the European species apparently only feed on flowers.
Lovely photo of a lovely fly. (I wish we had them in Britain!)