Thread subject: :: Images from Japan

Posted by Xespok on 06-04-2005 14:05


I have too many images to be posted here and I do not want to flood the forum.

I uploaded my Nematocera images to my developing web page at


There are quite a few images which I can not put into families rigth now (but I have educaded guesses marked by the tag Presumed). Can you help me to place these images to families?

Please use the photo numbers as references. Also feel free to copy any images and put them on the forum, if you think it is interesting for some reason.


Posted by Paul Beuk on 06-04-2005 18:57

Well, quite a lot to go through. I went through it quickly and have the following remarks:

Tipulidae: Ptychoptera japonica 1000006194 should be in family Ptychopteridae.

Chironomidae: Unidentified Chironomidae 1000014753 as a gall midge (Ceidomyiidae).

Sciaridae: Unidentified Sciaridae 1000011723, 1000011724 and 1000011878 are Mycetophilidae.

Unknown family (Nematocera) (nothing mentioned means I simply agree or cannot see enough toe really say it is something else):
Presumed Chironomidae 1000014600: family Sciaridae.
Presumed Limoniidae 1000013579, 1000013669, 1000013689: I suspect Trichoceridae (winter midges).
Presumed Scatopsidae 1000011301, 1000014865: family Sciaridae.
Presumed Sciaridae 1000013844, 1000014111, 1000014117, 1000014120, 1000014755: family Cecidomyiidae.
Presumed Trichoceridae 1000012187: family Limoniidae.

Enjoy the update of your gallery. ;)

Posted by Xespok on 07-04-2005 11:07

Hi Paul,

A big thanks to you. I'll reorder the images. Also I have a few questions.

Classifying the Diptera to families seems to be very challanging.

Do Trichoceridae or Limoniidae have a proboscis or or proboscis like structure? What is the major difference between these families?

What is the difference between a midge and a midget? Are these used to refer the same kind of animals?


Posted by Xespok on 23-04-2005 03:29


I uploaded my Brachycera images to my new site. I switched to a non-free web hosting company, since i had problems with my former free host (It was down 50% of the time).

Please find my images at

Note that there are some 400 images, and many of them I do not know what they are. All images are from the broader Kansai region in Japan.

If you click on the actual image like

you can leave a comment by clicking the <add comment> feature below the image.

There are also some new Nematocera images up there, so please feel free to add some comments.

If you find some image interesting, just copy the image (Save as by right clicking on the mouse on Windows systems) and start a new thread here.

I'll be away for travelling for the next two weeks, so I will not be able to respond.


Posted by Xespok on 10-05-2005 10:34


I am back from the holydays. Thank you for those who helped me put some of my images to families, identify a few of the flies and confirm my identifications. I made the necessary adjustments. There are still many images around waiting to be ID-d, especially int he Unidentified Diptera-Brachycera section, so plenty of stuff to be IDd/
