Thread subject: :: small doli withorange abdomen

Posted by conopid on 09-07-2006 19:41

I have several specimens of this small Dolichopididae. Where should I start to key it out? Sub family/genera? About 2mm long I guess. There were lots on Lime tree leaves today.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 09-07-2006 20:07

Hi Nigel.
Several times reading genera key I remembered genus Chrysotimus which has all goldenyellow setas.
Size 2mm, female with bright-metallic-green thorax and yellow abdomen with black top.
Looks that everything in your fly is siutable for Chrysotimus, doesn't it?

Posted by conopid on 09-07-2006 20:14

Yes, that looks a good fit. I'll try keying for Chrysotomus. Thanks Nikita