Thread subject: :: Volucella zonaria?

Posted by omattelart on 11-08-2009 00:14

I have met this one in Harchies, Belgium, this afternoon.
Is it Volucella zonaria?



Posted by pierred on 11-08-2009 08:47

You don't state a size (14-16mm for V. inanis, 16-22mm for V. zonaria). And you don't show a picture where one can see the first sternite (yellow in V. inanis, black in V. zonaria).

Posted by omattelart on 11-08-2009 09:11

I believe it's V. Zonaria, as the last segment is yellow, and as the last black line has a small V inside the black part and not outside.
According to your gallery, it should be V. Zonaria, then.
But I prefer to get a confirmation.
For the size, it was looking as big as Vespa crabro but I never catch any bug and I do not measure them.
I only take photographs.



Edited by omattelart on 11-08-2009 09:14

Posted by tim worfolk on 11-08-2009 10:03

I would call this V.zonaria as tergite 2 chestnut, not yellow; thoracic dorsum chestnut, no obvious black stripes; no obvious dark stigma.


Posted by Andre on 11-08-2009 20:27

100% zonaria

Posted by omattelart on 11-08-2009 23:15

Thanks to all of you, guys