Thread subject: :: Gymnosoma ?

Posted by Philippe moniotte on 08-07-2006 20:00


Hello all,
This small tachinid is new to me. Looks a lot like a Gymnosoma, but all black. Any suggestion ? Approx 5-6 mm
Sclaigneaux (Belgium) July 4th 2006.


Posted by ChrisR on 08-07-2006 20:49

Looks like Cistogaster globosa (female) to me :)

See also http://tachinidae...rcno=11201

Posted by Philippe moniotte on 08-07-2006 21:11

Thanks for the info. It certainly looks convincing, especially as the environment I found them in is exactly what your link describes, and i have seen many Aelia acuminata (their favorite host) over there.
I was wondering whether this could be the male, then.? I had casually identified it as G. rotundata.

Posted by ChrisR on 08-07-2006 21:21

Yeah - male Cistogaster globosa :) In general Cistogaster are smaller than any of the 'normal' Gymnosoma species (like rotundatum, clavatum etc) and the antennae are much, much shorter in Cistogaster than in Gymnosoma.

Posted by Philippe moniotte on 08-07-2006 21:52

for your help and comments

Posted by Paul Beuk on 09-07-2006 19:51


Could you please take a look at this News message... ;) Thanks!