Thread subject: :: Brachyopa?

Posted by Juergen Peters on 25-03-2005 21:22


When I found this fly on March 21 among many Muscidae and Calliphoridae sucking juices on an freshly cut tree trunk I thought of some kind of Scatophagidae, but in another forum someone told me it could be a syrphid of the genus Brachyopa. Is he right? Thanks in advance!

Greetings, J?rgen

Posted by Paul Beuk on 25-03-2005 21:47

It is a species of Heleomyzidae, I think.

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 25-03-2005 21:54

Hello Juergen,
As in a lot times, Paul beat me to it and was just a click faster!;)
But indeed, I want to confirm that this is surely NOT a Brachyopa sp.
In this picture the best characteristic is the shape and color of the head, which is different in Brachyopa!
Look for example at:
Most of the Brachyopa's have a distinct snout which is not there in this picture!
So I support Paul's idea of it being a species of Heleomyzidae!

Edited by Gerard Pennards on 25-03-2005 21:55

Posted by Juergen Peters on 26-03-2005 22:44


Gerard Pennards wrote:
So I support Paul's idea of it being a species of Heleomyzidae!

Thanks to you both and a happy easter!

Greetings from Germany, J?rgen