Thread subject: :: Tachinidae

Posted by conopid on 01-08-2009 21:34

From SW France July 2009

Posted by ChrisR on 01-08-2009 21:46

Eliozeta or Clytiomyia - my best guess would be the former :) Do you have any more angles? Failing that get a net on any tachinid that moves ;)

Posted by conopid on 01-08-2009 22:11

My net broke! Disaster!!! So very few specimens taken. I had to resort to collecting stuff out of the swimming pool filters! Got a few Tachinids, but not many :(:(

Posted by ChrisR on 01-08-2009 22:50

Argghhhh!!!! It's a tragedy ... can you maybe get one from the nearest British Embassy ... tell them it's an emergency and they need to fly something in on the overnight! ;)

Posted by conopid on 02-08-2009 10:19

It was officially a "family holiday" with flies taking a back seat. None - the - less I sneaked a net and a few tubes along, but did not take a spare net or two, as I usually would. At least I have not got loads of specimens to pin!! Scant consolation though.