Thread subject: :: Another Ephydridae

Posted by conopid on 07-07-2006 15:02

From same location as previous two specimens. Note the purple colouring is chromatic aberration in the camera, not the colour of the fly, which is shiny black.

Edited by conopid on 07-07-2006 15:04

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 07-07-2006 15:11

Hello, maybe this could be a hint:

Posted by conopid on 07-07-2006 15:18

Thanks. Looks a good match for the genus - I will try keying it from there.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 07-07-2006 19:10

Hi Nigel -
Before pursuing Black's suggestion too vigorously, note the difference in head shape and costal ratio. Right subfamily, but wrong genus.;)

Posted by conopid on 07-07-2006 20:16

Thanks for the helpful hints.I have keyed the fly, using Martin Drake's compilation of various work (including your's Tony). I have keyed this fly out as Athyroglossa glabra. However this does not appear to be in the same subfamily as Discomyza? Have I got my ID right? It certainly fits the description for A glabra very well!

Edited by conopid on 07-07-2006 20:19

Posted by Tony Irwin on 07-07-2006 22:03

Evidently it's much cooler in Western regions today - my brain has sucumbed to the heat over here in the East!:)
Athyroglossa it is. I think I'll go and pour a beer!

Posted by conopid on 07-07-2006 23:37

:D Ah, we all do that. Good to know that even the experienced can suffer from ocassional malfunctions. Beer is definitely the best answer!