Thread subject: :: Ephydridae for ID

Posted by conopid on 07-07-2006 15:59

Tiny Ephydridae collected beside River Teme in Shropshire 7 July 06.
Any suggestions for genera? In life these have a slightly blue dusted look to them.

Edited by conopid on 07-07-2006 16:01

Posted by David Gibbs on 07-07-2006 17:13

look rather like Scatella paludum (Meigen, 1830)

Posted by conopid on 07-07-2006 17:26

I'll try keying it from around this genera.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 07-07-2006 19:43

Hi Nigel,
These look like paludum, but could be subguttata - paludum has a silvery face with a weak genal bristle, subguttata has a grey-brown face with a much stronger genal bristle. Also the brown dusting extneds onto the ventral surface of the tergites in subguttata, while it is restricted to the dorsal surface in paludum. In both species the white spots on the wings are less marked than in other Scatella, in paludum sometimes almost invisible.