Thread subject: :: Tachinidae - Linnaemya vulpina?

Posted by tim worfolk on 31-07-2009 09:11

Sorry - lousy photo, but is this Linnaemya vulpina?

27/7/2009; Devon, England; Calluna/Erica heathland.



Posted by ChrisR on 31-07-2009 09:51

Yes, I'd say so - projecting mouth edge, densely hairy eyes, yellow basicosta and orange femurs :) They are extremely common on heathlands at the right time of year but getting photos can be tricky because they do tend to be very active flying in and around heather bushes :)

Posted by tim worfolk on 31-07-2009 12:18

Thanks Chris. Actually the fly was fairly accommodating, the problem was more the strong breeze and the harsh sunlight.
