Thread subject: :: two Therevidae (?)

Posted by Sundew on 30-07-2009 00:40

no combined threads, I know, but these two, male and female, seem to be closely related - may be the same species, if there is sexual dimorphism? As to the peculiar antennae, my guess is Therevidae, though I expected them to be much more hairy. May be, I overlooked a more appropriate family?
Thanks for help, Sundew

This is the male.

Posted by Sundew on 30-07-2009 00:41

This is the female.

Posted by Zeegers on 30-07-2009 19:28

Yes, these are Therevidae, something like Thereva annulata. Coastal dune area ?


Posted by Sundew on 30-07-2009 23:01

I am afraid Berlin has no coastal dunes, dear Theo... But: I googled some interesting facts, however, without getting a solution. Thereva annulata is now Acrosathe annulata. In the Therevidae key by M. van Veen (http://home.hccne...vidae.html) this genus is described as having a hairy face and abdomen. On the website by W. Rutkies there are several photos of A. annulata that do not match my flies. However, a rather similar photo shows Psilocephala eximia (http://www.syrphi...%2003.html). This name is now seen as a synonym of Pandivirilia eximia, a species also known from Berlin. The trouble is that in van Veen's key Pandivirilia has entirely black femora. The description of Cliorismia "Femora black with yellow apex. Male: genitalia reddish. Female: tergites 5-6 with triangular silver markings" fits better. There were finds of C. ardea in the Berlin and Brandenburg region, but they date a half decade back. So can this puzzling nomenclatural problem ever be solved?

Edited by Sundew on 30-07-2009 23:43

Posted by Zeegers on 02-08-2009 14:26

Well, I noted the bare frons and indeed that bothered me.
I have little experience with Psilocephala s.l.
This is not Pandivirilia eximia. It might be ardea.
