Thread subject: :: two tephritids

Posted by ferran on 06-07-2006 18:09

Here are two similar tephritidae (perhaps genus Tephritis?) that I collected recently, in May 2006. The one on the white sticky trap in a citrus orchard and the one on a leaf was captured on a Celtis australis leaf, both near Valencia, Spain.

Any help or suggestion will be welcome.

Posted by ferran on 06-07-2006 18:11

the second species

Posted by John Smit on 17-07-2006 16:38

Hi Ferran,

Both look like Tephritis alright, though I have some doubts with the second one. I will need my collection in order to say more about it, so I'll have to get back to these.

Best wishes,


Posted by ferran on 17-07-2006 19:14

Hello John,

Thanks for looking at the very puzzling, at least for me, Tephritis. I have really had a hard time loking at similar pictures in keys, but this hyaline spots on the wings look all the same to me.

I wait for your answer. Ferran

Posted by John Smit on 18-07-2006 09:04

Hi Ferran,

Indeed it's not easy! But I appreciate you trying!
