Thread subject: :: Tachinidae to ID: parasitoid of Papilio machaon

Posted by Rui Andrade on 24-07-2009 21:36

I collected a Papilio machaon larva on dunes in Viana do Castelo, Portugal and it was parasitized by 6 tachinid specimens. In the photos below there is one of them. What could it be?

date of eclosion: 24/07/2009

Dead Papilio machaon larva:

Posted by ChrisR on 24-07-2009 22:37

I always love when a story has a happy ending! ;)

Sadly the photos aren't ringing any bells and Papilio sp. seem to have a few quite varied tachinid parasitoids :(

Posted by Rui Andrade on 24-07-2009 22:43

ChrisR wrote:
I always love when a story has a happy ending! ;)

I must admit that it's an happy ending for me too:). I captured a common butterfly larva, but in the end I can have nice flies that I've never seen before;).

Lets wait for Theo or others, if they know this fly.

Posted by Zeegers on 26-07-2009 20:41

Buquetia musca, the typical Tachinid for Papilio.

Great job !


Posted by ChrisR on 26-07-2009 21:03

Strange, I had never even heard of that one - definitely worth adding to the photo gallery :)

Posted by Rui Andrade on 27-07-2009 02:08

Thank you once more Theo;)

Chris, I had heard of this fly in this thread:):