Thread subject: :: Pallopteridae, Hungary, July

Posted by pwalter on 24-07-2009 15:06

One of my latest finds from Bukk mountains, near a lake, about 7 mm long. My first Pallopterid that I manages to catch (if it is really a Pallopterid).

Posted by pwalter on 24-07-2009 15:06


Posted by Jan Willem on 24-07-2009 16:38

Palloptera ustulata or P. anderssoni.

Posted by pwalter on 24-07-2009 17:47

Thank You! I'll provide more photos, maybe it can be ID-d to sp.

Posted by Jan Willem on 25-07-2009 17:13

To ID it to species level, you should study the genitalia. The apical filament of the aedeagus is bifid in P. anderssoni.

Rotheray, G.E. & I. MacGowan, 1999. Palloptera anderssoni sp. n. from Scotland and Finland (Diptera: Pallopteridae). Br. J. Ent. Nat. Hist. 11: 175-179.

Posted by pwalter on 30-07-2009 19:30

Hi! I tried to make photo, is it showing the right structure?