Thread subject: :: New fly with some long legs..

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 05-07-2006 19:33

Taken on 5th July in Silgueiros - Viseu - PORTUGAL

No idea of family... ID please, and tell me why, please, so I can help others . :))

The extremity of abdomen is very curved... and it seems has a "sting"?

TO see it larger go here:

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 05-07-2006 19:36

Posted by ChrisR on 05-07-2006 19:37

The family is Rhagionidae - genus looks like Chrysopilus :)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 05-07-2006 19:54

Yes, could be C. cristatus or C. splendidus.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 05-07-2006 19:59

Paul Beuk wrote:
Yes, could be C. cristatus or C. splendidus.

Here goes the wing venation just to confirmation. The fly went away when I was trying to zoom camera. :( But here you can see a so-so image:

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 05-07-2006 20:11

Chris Raper wrote:
The family is Rhagionidae - genus looks like Chrysopilus :)

I saw Rhagio tringarius (male) (1) and this one is so much different than Chrysopilus sp. that I don't realize what are the similarities? Wing venation seems so different, spots present in my photo and neither photos of gallery, the abdomen I suppose that hasn?t spots like I see in the photos of gallery... One similarity I saw is almost absence of setas in legs. Can you help me, please? Thank you a lot.

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 05-07-2006 20:17