Thread subject: :: Which Tachinidae? Two shots

Posted by Walther Gritsch on 18-07-2009 13:36


I'm having a bit of trouble with this one. It keys out to Carcelia sp. - or at least that is what I think...
But beyond that I have serious doubts. The Carcelia sp. I find in the Gallery all have reddish scutellum. This one doesn't.
Some features not seen in the pictures are hind coxae haired posterodorsally and tibia2 with ventral seta.

The fly was caught in dry coastal habitat outside Copenhagen on Pastinaca sativa where it payed close attention to an unidentified caterpillar.
Body length ~ 7.5 mm.

Posted by Walther Gritsch on 18-07-2009 13:37

A dorsal view

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 18-07-2009 13:44

It looks like Nemorilla floralis, but I'm not expert.

Posted by Walther Gritsch on 18-07-2009 14:00

It certainly does look like N. floralis but it couldn't be.
Yellow palps and only two katepisternals rule out that species...

Let's hope Theo can set things straight.

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 18-07-2009 15:41

Yellow palps and only two katepisternals rule out that species...

Where did you read this for the katepisternal setae ? Belshaw is not of your mind and says "two katepisternal".
I don't really know for the yellow palps, though they seems to be (at least apically) yellow on a couple of picture I have seen on this forum, but the others characters seems to be present : 3 postpronotal arranged in a triangle, all occipital hairs are pale yellow, typical pollinosity of the body...
Still not an expert diagnostic, and indeed Theo will set things straight.

Posted by Zeegers on 19-07-2009 09:55

Maybe Walther didn't mean 'rule out' but 'rule in' ?

This indeed looks like Nemorilla floralis


Posted by Walther Gritsch on 19-07-2009 12:35

Thank you, Theo.

Well, of course I meant 'rule in' ;) No, seriously I really thought it was Carcelia but I must have misinterpreted the eye-gena height ratio or something...

Nemorilla floralis is nice and a new species for me.

Posted by Zeegers on 19-07-2009 12:52

The gena feature is, indeed, tricky in genera like Nemorilla, Drino and Tryphera.
Compare with a real Carcelia (if you have) and the difference is more than obvious.
