Thread subject: :: Aphrosylus to ID

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 17-07-2009 22:46

Is this bad picture sufficient to give a species name for this male Aphrosylus ?
I think A. celtiber but with so incertitude...
Thanks in advance.

Date : July 14 2009
Location : Beach of Saint Jouin Bruneval, France
Habitat : on the artificial rocks of a breakwater.
Size : 5 mm

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 18-07-2009 11:25

As for me this Doli is closer to A. celtiber, than to raptor.

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 18-07-2009 13:48

Many thanks Igor.
Tibia II bears the minute upcurved hooks, scutum with 6 dc, femur III with ad on basal part.
I validate the species name.