Thread subject: :: ID?

Posted by brigitteu on 16-07-2009 00:14

and onther one:

Switzerland, July, balcony
more wide, this one
about 10 mm

Do you have a name for this lovly hoverfly?

Thanks, Brigitte

Posted by brigitteu on 16-07-2009 00:14

second picture

Posted by Roger Thomason on 16-07-2009 01:18

Eupeodes Maybe corollae Male

Odd markings at back-end???

Edited by Roger Thomason on 16-07-2009 01:24

Posted by brigitteu on 16-07-2009 08:47

Thank you, Roger

back-end (no better picture existant)

Posted by brigitteu on 16-07-2009 08:47

back-end - 2