Thread subject: :: Meliscaeva ?

Posted by brigitteu on 16-07-2009 00:09

Switzerland, July, balcony, near lake of zurich
a small one: about 8 - 10 mm

ID = Meliscaeva cinctella - male ?

Regards, Brigitte

Posted by brigitteu on 16-07-2009 00:10

second picture

Posted by lagura on 16-07-2009 01:07

I'd say it is.

Posted by brigitteu on 16-07-2009 08:54

Thank you Lars !

Posted by Andre on 16-07-2009 20:21

Do you know dipdip? Maybe an idea to cooperate? ;)

Posted by brigitteu on 16-07-2009 23:35

André, do you mean Lars or me?

Dipdip the music ?
My englisch, I'm sorry, is very bad - I dont' understand :-(

Thanks for your help, Andre

Posted by dipdip on 17-07-2009 10:56

maybe André thought of the dipdip with the Meliscaeva-Avatar. She lives at Lake Thun. The silly name is a result of login problems I once had. Real name: Maja Beutler-Vatter.
Mit Gruess vom Thunersee

Edited by dipdip on 17-07-2009 10:56

Posted by brigitteu on 25-07-2009 00:07

Hallo Maja

nice :-) : dipdip :-)

today I saw the wonderful Volucella pellucens - hoverflies are so beautiful!

mit Grüssen vom Zürichsee, Brigitte