Thread subject: :: Metopia

Posted by Sundew on 14-07-2009 11:52

To continue the Digger wasp & fly story of thread http://www.dipter...d_id=23319, there was also a male of Metopia (argyrocephala group) present. It looked a bit darker than the male of my former thread http://www.dipter...d_id=14087 that had not been identified to species. Perhaps this one might be luckier?
Thanks, Sundew

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 14-07-2009 12:03

Metopia cf. argyrocephala

Posted by Zeegers on 14-07-2009 18:53

I think you can just see the curly hairs on tarsus 1, though out of focus, which would imply M. rondaniana


Posted by Liekele Sijstermans on 15-07-2009 00:52

M. rondaniana is now called M. staegerii Rondani (being rondaniana a junior synonym of M. staegerii Rondani) according to Pape.

However, I am not convinced about the visability of the curly hairs.
