Thread subject: :: Rhagoletis sp.?

Posted by Louis Boumans on 03-07-2006 23:31

Found this one in my kitchen today. White's 1988 key leads to 'other Rhagoletis species', bec of the yellow scutelum and stripe on the pleura. However, I don't find pictures of similar looking Rhagoletis on the internet..
So, any experts around? John?

Edited by Louis Boumans on 03-07-2006 23:32

Posted by Louis Boumans on 03-07-2006 23:33


Posted by Ben Hamers on 04-07-2006 17:41

Hi Louis,

In our own Gallery is R. alternata, but yours could be R. meigenii.
Let's wait for John.


Edited by Ben Hamers on 04-07-2006 18:05

Posted by John Smit on 17-07-2006 16:42


Rhagoletis meigenii.
Sorry to keep you waiting ;)


Posted by Louis Boumans on 19-07-2006 00:23

Thanks a lot, John!

Does this mean there is an error in White (1988) ?

For his key (p.38) places alternata and meigenii in the section "scutum, scutellum and pleura concolorous yellow brown" ;
and all other species have "scutum dark brown or black, scutellum yellow, (..), and pleura dark except for a yellow stripe extending from the humerus across the upper part of the anepisternum to the wing base", which seems to apply here.

Btw, any news about the key you were preparing?

Posted by John Smit on 19-07-2006 10:32

Hi Louis,

It seems to be very hard to write a good key ;)
All species of Rhagoletis have this yellow stripe, though in the red/brown species (e.g. alternata and meigenii) the may be very obscure!

You can be sure it will be correct in mine...

Best wishes,
