Thread subject: :: Cylindromyia (sp.?)

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 03-07-2006 23:25

July 01, 2006.
Size 6mm.

Posted by ChrisR on 03-07-2006 23:33

Looks like Cylindromyia sp. - is the wing petiolate?

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 03-07-2006 23:54

Ughh, I guess yes it is...

Posted by ChrisR on 03-07-2006 23:56

Cylindromyia sp. then :)

Posted by ChrisR on 04-07-2006 10:31

If you give me a clear dorsal view then I migth get it to species - at the moment it is looking like interrupta but I need to check the apical scutellar bristles :)